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Video News Footage: Women amputees in Rwanda play football to heal the wounds of the past


Geneva (ICRC) – Consolée Rukindo was born in Rwanda during the Genocide of 1994. “My mother was holding me when they killed her,” she says, speaking about the tragic story of her early childhood. “They hit her with a machete which also took my arm.”

Growing up an orphan with a disability, Consolée found motivation in sports. “I like sports so much since I was very young. I always felt I had to be somewhere I am entertained, that’s how I grew up,” she says.

For many people with disabilities sports become an important tool that can help them overcome psychological trauma and regain the necessary confidence to remain active members of the society.  This is why the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been working with National Paralympic Committee to establish Rwanda Amputee Football Association and Rwanda Wheelchair Basketball Federation to promote inclusion through sports.

“Being part of Amputee Football is something very special to me,” Consolée says. “Because I observed that there are those with disabilities who still failed to accept it. When I meet them, I help them understand that life goes on despite their disabilities.”

The ICRC also supports athletes with disabilities to look for employment and vocational training. Additionally, the organization is working with the Ministry of Health and other partners to strengthen the rehabilitation component in the healthcare system in Rwanda. The organization supports two national referral hospitals to provide quality rehabilitation services.  It also works to develop an education hub by supporting the programs to train first class rehabilitation professionals in Rwanda and other African countries.

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Rwanda, Kampala




Mark Kamau



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00.00 - 00.08: Shots of the women’s team being awarded a trophy.

00.09 - 00.22: Various shots of the women’s team conducting physical exercises.

00.23 - 00.41: Soundbite - Consolée Rukindo

“I was born during the Genocide in 1994. My mother was holding me when they killed her, they hit her with a machete which also took my arm.”

00.42 - 00.52: Various shots the teams playing football.

00.53 - 01:06: Soundbite - Consolée Rukindo

“I like sports so much since I was very young. I always felt I had to be somewhere I am entertained, thats how I grew up.”

01.07 - 01.20: Various shots of the teams playing football

01.21 - 01.34: Soundbite - Subhash Sinha, Regional PRP Manager - ICRC

“We provide the training equipment, we help them in structure the sports, we help them develop their strategy. And now Rwanda Amputee Football Association has developed their own strategy for five years.”

01.35 - 01.38: Shot of the trophy presentation to the winning team.

01.39 - 01.43: Shot of the FIFA president watching a football match.

01.44 - 02.03: Soundbite - Subhash Sinha, Regional PRP Manager - ICRC

“With this initiative, what we are doing is launching women Amputee football for the world. Here we are connecting them to the world and two of our amputee football players from Rwanda, they have already been selected by Turkey's amputee football and they are earning a good income through these sports.”

02.04 - 02.07: Various shots of the teams playing football.

02.08 - 02.35: Soundbite - Consolée Rukindo

“Being part of Amputee Football is something very special to me. Because I observed that there are those with disabilities who still failed to accept it. When I meet them, I help them understand that life goes on despite their disabilities.”

02.36 - 02.52: Various shots of Consolee practicing taekwondo.

02.53 - 03.11: Soundbite - Consolée Rukindo

“In Taekwondo, I am the first in Africa and the 8th globally and I was awarded with a Medal.”

03.12 - 03.23: Shots of Cosolee showing her medals.

03.24 - 03.25: Various shots of the teams playing football.

03.26 - 03.36: Soundbite - Consolée Rukindo

“When I play, I feel happy, and I keep motivate my playmates to win, because I play with the goal to win.”

03.37 - 04.17: Soundbite - Subhash Sinha, Regional PRP Manager - ICRC

“They can play anywhere because amputee football is not expensive game. If you have a ball, you can play it in your own street and you keep yourself active. So it help you to entertain yourself, entertain other people at the same time, it boosts your morale and help you to help you to integrate into society. And that's what ICRC physical rehabilitation program is helping with support through National Paralympic Committee in Tanzania and Rwanda. We also started in South Sudan and Palestine in Gaza.”

04.18 - 04.37: Various shots of the teams playing football.

Womens Amputee football Rwanda AV News
Duration : 4m 37s
Size : 667.4 MB

AV NEWS Rwanda Amputee Female Football Dope sheet
Size: 102.5 KB

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